Bollywood's Top 10 Richest Actors

1 Shahrukh Khan Shahrukh Khan was born on 2nd November 1965.  He is known for his really natural acting and has 29 best actor ...

1 Shahrukh Khan

Shahrukh Khan was born on 2nd November 1965. 
He is known for his really natural acting and has 29 best actor awards in his acting career so far. His source of income is acting, production, IPL team. He is not only in the top ten list of Indian actors but also in the top ten richest actors in the world.
Shahrukh Khan's net worth is $600 Million.  

2 Amitabh Bachchan

Amitah Bachchan was born on 11th October 1942 in Allahabad, United Provinces, British India. He was popular romantic and action hero from 70's and now known for his versatile acting and characters in movies. He is also known for his unusually good vocal quality both in Bollywood and Hollywood. He is an actor and producer.
Amitabh Bachchan's net worth is $402 Million.

 3 Salman Khan

Salman Khan was born on 27th December 1965 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. He is an actor, producer, televisions how host, singer, humanitarian and does painting. His full name is Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan. He was the first action hero of Indian film industry who was a body builder.
Salman Khan's net worth is $200 Million.

4 Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan was born on 14th March 1965 in Mumbai. He is an film actor, director, producer TV show host and producer. Known for being perfectionist and for his creative movies. Touching daringly, the most sensitive topics of the society in his movies. He is known as the most influential actor of Bollywood. 
Aamir Khan's net worth is $185 Million.

5 Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar was born on 9th Septemer 1967 in Amritsar, Punjab. He is a film actor, producer and martial artist. He dropped out of college and went to Bangkok to study martial arts.
Akshay Kumar's net worth is $180 Million. 

6 Dharmendra

Dharmendra was born on 8th December 1935. He was the famous action hero of 1960's 70's. He was an actor, director and producer. His three children are working in Bollywood, two sons and one daughter. He won Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997.
Dharmendra's net worth is $70 Million.

7 Ranbir Kapoor

Ranbir Kapoor was born on 28th September 1982 in Mumbai. He is son of actors couple Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor. He is an actor and producer. Doing realistic movies and is popular for it. He is the youngest in the top ten richest celebs list.
Ranbir Kapoor's net worth is $66 Million.

8 John Abraham

John Abraham was born on 17th December 1972 in Kochi India. His Parsi name is Farhan but his Father named him John. He did MBA and started media planning where his boss asked him to model for live-in jeans this is how he started his career with modeling and now is an actor and producer. 
John Abraham's net worth is $55 Million.

9 Irrfan Khan

Irrfan Khan was born on 7th January 1967 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. His full name is Sahabzade Irrfan Ali Khan. He is a Bollywood and Hollywood actor who has movies like Te amazing spiderman and Jurassic World on his credit.
Irrfan Khan's net worth is $50 Million.

10 Hrithik Roshan

Hrithik Roshan was born on 10th January 1974 in Mumbai India. He is son of former actor and director Rakesh Roshan. He is one of the most groomed personalities in the Bollywood. 
Hrithik Roshan's net worth is $45 Million.


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Trendz8: Bollywood's Top 10 Richest Actors
Bollywood's Top 10 Richest Actors
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